Your Rebirth Magic: Four Transformational Lessons for the Winter Season
Winter is the season of the Dark Goddess and Her rebirth magic. From darkness and death, new light and life are reborn. From the dark night of our personal wounding, we reclaim and rebirth our true, beautiful Self.
When Death Arrives On Our Doorstep: A Primer for These Times
Two visions brew, colliding with the intense drama and building momentum of political, social, economic and environmental crises and unrest, and the mythic forces moving through our world calling us to an evolutionary, change-or-die revelation.
A Winter Solstice Mystery: Beauty In the Belly of the Dark
Open to the ways of Nature at the Winter Solstice. Heed the call arising from the belly of the dark that invites you to stillness and silence; turn inward and return to your center in search of the parts of your true Self ready to return to the light.
A Modern Goddess Tale: From Lost Daughter to Goddess Queen
The Path of She, in its deepest roots, is a journey from lost daughter to Goddess Queen — a modern Goddess tale that invites you to embrace your own life story, with its beauty and wounding, as the content and catalyst of your healing and transformation.