Tale of The Lost Daughter

With the approach of the Winter Solstice, Sarah Ashby, a rising, young financial executive, has an emotional meltdown that unleashes an overpowering hunger for some essential, lost part of herself connected to her soul.

Following her instincts and the dream directives of a raven, Sarah propels herself on a spiritual adventure that lands her on a remote, rugged island on the Canadian West Coast and into the alternative, pagan world of magic, ritual and the Dark Goddess. Here she gains allies, including Kayla, a resident witch, and discovers the source of her soul ache as her own, beautiful feminine soul.

But how can Sarah navigate these strange waters without unraveling her existing world and sacrificing the things she most deeply cherishes?

Walk the Path with Sarah, in this first book in the Tales of She series, as she starts on a journey of reclaiming her inner power and beauty, and discovers the lost stories of the Dark Goddess that can return the life-giving ways of the sacred feminine to the waking world. What has been lost can be refound, all the more cherished than if it had never been lost at all.

Path of She Book of Sabbats

What we have forgotten Nature remembers.Our soul hungers for an authentic existence, living from our deep beauty and gifts, in harmony with the natural world. Here we find our home, within and without, and in the life-affirming embrace of the sacred feminine. This sacred hunger for home fuels your journey of soul in The Path of She Book of Sabbats. With the primal teachings and mythic wisdom of Nature and the Gods and Goddesses as your guides, you travel across the pagan Sabbats that mark Nature’s seasonal cycle through darkness, death, light and life. Guided meditations and pathwork exercises help you bring the transformative power of these Earth-based mysteries into your life, and to walk the path of your own seasons of light and dark, beauty and wounding, and joy and sorrow. Your journey begins wherever you are in this moment. Your destination is nothing less than your big, beautiful Self, and your place within this great weaving of life that holds us all.