Magic Your Summer Reading: Tale of the Lost Daughter

Tale of the Lost Daughter

Journey with Sarah as she dives deep into the healing powers of magic and the mysteries of Hecate, an ancient Goddess whose lost tales of She can return the life-giving ways of the divine feminine to the waking world.

The Lost Daughter: A Story For Our Times

Lost Daughter

We are the lost daughters, seeking our way home to the Goddess after a long separation from Her powers. The Tale of the Lost Daughter is a story for these times which can inspire your journey of return to the Goddess and Her sacred feminine ways.

Meet Me in the Good


I don’t care that your politics or spirituality differ from mine, or about the myriad of particulars that mark us as dissimilar. I honor that how you walk this Earth is your personal business. But I do care, from the depth of my soul, about creating a better, more loving and sustainable world together.

Lammas: Harvesting Your Soul Lessons


At Lammas, your journey of soul calls you to self-chosen sacrifice. Harvest your soul lessons and cut away anything that’s complete or blocks your future growth. Some things must die for something new to be born in their place.

The Call of the Goddess


As we open to our hunger for our own hidden beauty and power, we naturally unleash our more primal hunger to be one with the powers of life and the ways of the Goddess. We heed Her call, and begin to live and dream our life anew.

Your Next Cycle on the Path of She

Path of She

Take a deep breath and look ahead to the new cycle and journey across the seasons opening before you. Once more Nature and the Goddesses and the Gods will offer up their seasonal wisdom and gifts that are both eternal and fresh to the moment.

Walk the Path: The Yes of New Year’s Resolutions

New Year's Resolution

Yes magic aligns the dynamo powers of desire and will through a specific intention. New Year’s resolutions focus our will by setting our intention for the coming year. This is a perfect opportunity to use yes magic in service of our journey of soul.