Spring Journey: Living Your Spiritual Evolution

Spring Journey

Nature and the Goddess reveal the spiritual, evolutionary mysteries of Spring where rebirth and new beginnings emerge from the complex, potent convergence of opposing energies, held in a state of balance, harmony and wholeness.

A Message from Demeter at the Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox

Demeter speaks: As the seasons turn, so do the seasons of humanity. Many powers are converging to wake humanity from its long winter of soul. Spring is in the air; Persephone walks the land above; and you reach for the ways of the Goddess once more.

A Spring Equinox Meditation With Demeter

Spring Equinox Meditation

The Spring Equinox has arrived and Demeter awaits you, just as She has waited for Her daughter Persephone since times immemorial. Let Her guide you in this season of equal light and dark, life and death, and joy and sorrow.

A Spring Equinox Mystery:

At the portal where the Underworld opens to the sunlit realm, the Goddess Demeter waits for you, just as She has waited for Persephone from time immemorial. She is queenly in bearing and stature, clothed in a flowing gown of warm browns and soft greens, the colors of the good green earth. Her raven-hued tresses, […]

Demeter and Persephone:

Here is my latest SageWoman blog post. The “read more” link below will take you to the SageWoman Blogs page. Spring is the time of the Goddesses Demeter and Persephone, and their myth of rebirth and return to the Mother-Goddess ways of love and life. Though this ancient Greek tale is typically interpreted as a […]