A Free Ebook: Four Seasons of the Hera Path

hera path

At the edge of the known world, where the everyday gives way to the deeper Mysteries that underlie human reality, She waits for you. Her hand is extended, reaching to you with an open invitation to join Her at this edge place where the ancient hera path of the Goddess begins.


We best know Her as the Goddess Persephone through Greek mythology, yet Her hera tale is much, much older, rising out of the Sumerian stories of the Goddess Inanna. For millennia, Persephone has carved the hera path deep into the dream of the living world, making Her journey into the Underworld in the Fall, and returning to the sunlit realm in the Spring.

[p-quote2] Persephone’s hera tale unfolds in accordance with the seasons, gifting us with the Goddess’s transformative mysteries that guide our quest for self-discovery and spiritual evolution through the four seasons of Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer, and their dance with the primal powers of darkness, death, light and life. [/p-quote2]

The Goddess’s hera path is foundational to my Path of She offerings. In this free ebook, Four Seasons of the Hera Path, I’ll share this Goddess wisdom teaching with you, both on a conceptual, inspirational level, and as a Guided Journey Series that can direct your transformational travels on the hera path in service of your journey of soul.

In section 1 of the Four Seasons of the Hera Path, you’ll discover the powerful ways the hera path speaks to your spiritual pathwork: as Goddess mysteries, preserved in ancient mythic tales; an empowering, alternative framework for spiritual growth and evolution; an inspirational tale for these modern times; and a four-season framework that can guide your spiritual pathwork in alignment with the mysteries of the Goddess, and the primal lessons of Nature.

In section 2, you’ll be introduced to the Path of She Guided Journey Series which facilitates your four-season journey through the hera path. Each season is a step along the hera path, guided by the Goddess, illuminated by Nature’s seasonal teachings, and translated into a key focus for your personal explorations and spiritual pathwork. The four seasons take you through a complete cycle of the hera path that you can return to again and again.

[p-quote2] Are you hungry for the lost mysteries of the Goddess, and Her ancient ways of love and transformation that can mend your soul and make your life anew? Are you seeking a deeper, fuller expression of your Self, and a life in alignment with your best qualities of beauty, goodness and love? Are you ready to follow in Persephone’s footsteps, and brave your own hera journey of self-discovery and spiritual evolution? [/p-quote2]

If you feel a yes arise within you, the Four Seasons of the Hera Path and the Path of She Guided Journey Series can guide your hera journey of becoming ever more deeply, beautifully, powerfully your Self, one season and one cycle at a time.
