Magic Your Summer Reading: Tale of the Lost Daughter

Tale of the Lost Daughter

Journey with Sarah as she dives deep into the healing powers of magic and the mysteries of Hecate, an ancient Goddess whose lost tales of She can return the life-giving ways of the divine feminine to the waking world.

The Lost Daughter: A Story For Our Times

Lost Daughter

We are the lost daughters, seeking our way home to the Goddess after a long separation from Her powers. The Tale of the Lost Daughter is a story for these times which can inspire your journey of return to the Goddess and Her sacred feminine ways.

Enlightenment as a Verb: The Process of Becoming Lighter


Think of enlightenment in its verb form, enlighten: the process of becoming lighter. We don’t go from a wounded to an evolved, healed state in one leap. We take little steps and make little changes, getting lighter, enlightened, a bit at the time.

The Love Revolution: Mending Our Souls, Transforming Our World

Love Revolution

The love revolution was gifted to us by the sixties counterculture, and fifty years later, we’re returning to this tenacious idea of love as a force of societal change. What is this transformative love that can mend our souls and transform our world?

Pagan Dreamer: The Bombs of Deep Dreams

Deep Dreams

The message of this dream is clear: big change is here, driven by challenges that work the deepest layers of the psyche. Bombs are being dropped in my inner sanctum, going deeper and getting bigger. Profound healing and transformation are required.

An Imbolc Meditation: Light and Shadow of Soul Work


As Nature shifts from the dark sleep of Winter to the life-giving powers of the sun that herald the return of Spring, our desire for the spring of new possibilities and the end of the long winter of our soul drives us to Brigid’s doorstep.