Three Lessons from the Summer Season: Visioning a New World
Two realities, two ways of living: our known world with its ethos of fear and scarcity versus the life-centered powers of Nature in Summer with its gifts of beauty and abundance. It’s time to consciously choose which reality will guide your life.
Celebrating the Summer Solstice
At the Summer Solstice, your journey of soul invites you to blossom, shining forth your true essence and beauty. Emulate Nature in this summer season of generosity and abundance by cultivating and sharing your best gifts and qualities with others.
A Summer Solstice Meditation: Thou Art Goddess
Travel to your inner sanctum where your Goddess Self — She who knows the ways of Nature and the sacred feminine — awaits you. She will show you the parts of your beauty and purpose that are ready to blossom in the peak of Summer’s life-giving powers.
Summer Journey: Nature’s Magic of Beauty and Abundance
Nature’s teachings have never been more essential than in these times of great turmoil and transition. In Summer, Nature always returns to beauty, abundance and goodness. No matter what life brings our way, it’s time for each of us to do the same.
A Summer Solstice Teaching: Nature’s Vision of Abundance
At the Summer Solstice, Nature offers a simple, glorious spirit of abundance. We’re living within Mother Earth’s loving, generous embrace, and Her lavish gifts of goodness and beauty for our hungry bellies and souls.