Be Love: A Meditation Exercise

Be Lve

To heal and evolve this world, we need to become something different. We need to be love. Though these words sound simple, what do they really mean? What is this love? And how do we go about being love?

A Spring Equinox Meditation With Demeter

Spring Equinox Meditation

The Spring Equinox has arrived and Demeter awaits you, just as She has waited for Her daughter Persephone since times immemorial. Let Her guide you in this season of equal light and dark, life and death, and joy and sorrow.

A Fall Equinox Meditation: Descent into the Sacred Dark

Fall Equinox Meditation

On the Fall Equinox, settle into a meditative state and focus your awareness inward. Call to the part of you that knows the ways of Persephone and the sacred dark. Descend into the Underworld in search of the new beginning awaiting you at this time.