A Winter Solstice Tale: Ereshkigal & Our Beauty and Wounding

Winter Solstice

At the Winter Solstice, follow in Inanna’s footsteps. Descend into the Underworld realm of the Dark Goddess Ereshkigal, and Her mysteries of death and rebirth. Here you can discover the seeds of the new beginning awaiting you at this time.

A Winter Solstice Meditation: Ereshkigal and the Great Below

Winter Solstice

On Winter Solstice’s eve, open yourself to the natural world energies of this longest night of the year and the awakening tendrils of new light and new beginnings that will soon be birthed from this deep darkness. Imagine taking these energies into your body and sense them calling forth your inner darkness and emerging light.

Gifts of the Hera’s Journey:

Listen to the Podcast With the approach of the Fall Equinox, the energies of the sacred dark begin to stir in your inner landscape — calling you to a new cycle on your journey of soul — compelling you to seek within the secret desires, dormant potential and lost stories that can guide your spiritual […]