Deepen Your Spiritual Journey: Four Lessons for the Fall Season

In the fall season, your spiritual journey calls you inward to quiet and reflection, compelling you to seek within the secret desires, dormant gifts and lost stories of your inner sacred dark where your sleeping potential resides.
Lammas: Harvesting Your Soul Lessons

At Lammas, your journey of soul calls you to self-chosen sacrifice. Harvest your soul lessons and cut away anything that’s complete or blocks your future growth. Some things must die for something new to be born in their place.
Claiming Your Inner Goddess in the Summer Season

Two voices — one that directs your awareness inward to your Inner Goddess nature, beauty and power — the other that turns your gaze outward, granting others the power to determine your value and place in this world. Which do you choose?
Celebrating the Summer Solstice

At the Summer Solstice, your journey of soul invites you to blossom, shining forth your true essence and beauty. Emulate Nature in this summer season of generosity and abundance by cultivating and sharing your best gifts and qualities with others.
A Beltane Meditation: Making Life with the Green Man

In your Beltane meditation, open to your primal desire to be part of Nature’s life-creating-life dance, surrender to your hunger for soulful new beginnings, let your wild instincts take over and the Green Man will come to you.
A Message from Demeter at the Spring Equinox

Demeter speaks: As the seasons turn, so do the seasons of humanity. Many powers are converging to wake humanity from its long winter of soul. Spring is in the air; Persephone walks the land above; and you reach for the ways of the Goddess once more.
A Spring Equinox Meditation With Demeter

The Spring Equinox has arrived and Demeter awaits you, just as She has waited for Her daughter Persephone since times immemorial. Let Her guide you in this season of equal light and dark, life and death, and joy and sorrow.
Your Life is Your Art

This is your life. Grab hold of it. Change what weighs you down. Embrace what makes you shine. Gather close those things that make your soul sing. Make glorious, unforgettable art with your life, painted in the broad, brilliant strokes of your courage, goodness, wisdom and love.
A Winter Solstice Tale: Ereshkigal & Our Beauty and Wounding

At the Winter Solstice, follow in Inanna’s footsteps. Descend into the Underworld realm of the Dark Goddess Ereshkigal, and Her mysteries of death and rebirth. Here you can discover the seeds of the new beginning awaiting you at this time.
A Samhain Teaching: Born Into Life, Born Into Death

At Samhain, we contemplate the mysteries of death, not with fear, but from acceptance of death as a teacher for the living. We’re born into life and born into death, and it’s this very fact that makes every moment so precious, fragile and beautiful.