Magic Your Summer Reading: Tale of the Lost Daughter
Journey with Sarah as she dives deep into the healing powers of magic and the mysteries of Hecate, an ancient Goddess whose lost tales of She can return the life-giving ways of the divine feminine to the waking world.
The Lost Daughter: A Story For Our Times
We are the lost daughters, seeking our way home to the Goddess after a long separation from Her powers. The Tale of the Lost Daughter is a story for these times which can inspire your journey of return to the Goddess and Her sacred feminine ways.
Why Does the Goddess Matter?
It’s time to wake up and remember the Goddess. She calls us to make love and life the center of our existence. She can’t tend and nurture this world without us, and we can’t mend our soul and human society without Her.
The Love Revolution: Mending Our Souls, Transforming Our World
The love revolution was gifted to us by the sixties counterculture, and fifty years later, we’re returning to this tenacious idea of love as a force of societal change. What is this transformative love that can mend our souls and transform our world?
Be Love: A Meditation Exercise
To heal and evolve this world, we need to become something different. We need to be love. Though these words sound simple, what do they really mean? What is this love? And how do we go about being love?
Winter Reading for the Holiday Season: Tale of the Lost Daughter
Journey with Sarah as she dives deep into the healing powers of magic and the mysteries of Hecate, an ancient Goddess whose lost tales of She can return the life-giving ways of the divine feminine to the waking world.
What’s In a Name: Good Girl – Feminist – Witch – Woman
I’m a white woman, a Canadian of British descent, born into a working class family of moderate means, with an upbringing that was mainstream, banal, and seemingly innocuous. Good girl — feminist — witch — woman: this is my story of names.
The Golden Love of the Goddess: A Vision of Positive Change
To mend our soul and heal our world, we need to become something different. This difference is the golden love of the Goddess that is here, now, in the beauty, goodness and power all around and within us. We must open our hearts and live this love.
An Ancestral Teaching: My Body of the Ancestors
We inherit not only the physical DNA of our family lines, but also the energetic DNA of generational stories and experiences, especially those of trauma. These things live on in our bodies, and can be healed and transformed through our life choices.
Shine: A Prayer of Transformation in these Great Turning Times
Heed the words of the Goddess in these tumultuous, transformative Great Turning times: shine with your beauty, presence and love, and the way forward will be made clear to a brighter, more loving and life-affirming future, with other waking ones by your side.