A Lammas Teaching: The Seasons and Cycles of Breath


It’s time to turn our focus to the return in-breath of harvesting and ingesting what we’ve learned from the fruits of our efforts, and winnowing out and sacrificing what needs to die in service of our journey of soul. This is the work of Lammas.

Summer Journey: Your Inner Goddess

Thou Art Goddess

In Summer, with the energies of life turned on high, the Divine power that awaits you is your Inner Goddess. She’s the part of you that knows the ways of Nature and the Goddess, and can help you discover and blossom into your true, beautiful Self.

Pagan Dreamer: A Dream of the Good Man

good man

Open your heart and mind to the good men among us as a powerful counterbalance to the cultural ideal of real-men masculinity, played out in the constant bad news of political mayhem, environmental devastation, economic crisis and income disparity.