The Transformative Magic of Your Life Story

transformative magic of life story

We have a whole lot of beauty and a whole lot of ugly inside of us and in our world. These two polar forces battle for dominion over our soul. It’s here, in these opposing forces, that you find the transformative magic of your life story.

The Dance Temple Habit: An Exercise in Full-Bodied Dance Magic

Deep, transformative magic waits for you in your flesh and bones form. Wondrously, one of the best, most joyful ways to access this treasure trove is through inspired, ecstatic dance. Here is an exercise in the dance temple of your own sacred body.

Dance Temple Moments: The Primal Wisdom of Body

Dance Temple

We need more Dance Temple moments in our lives, where we stop talking, start grooving and let our body speak in its unique, sensual language of movement and dance. Our bodies naturally know how to nourish our souls, mend our wounds and set us free.

The Breath of Magic: The Magic of Breath

Breath is magic.

Breath, like magic, is the dance of our inner world with the outer world. In-breath: we enter deep inside ourselves. Out-breath: we share what is inside with the world. Return in-breath: we draw the world back into our body and let it change us.