Spring Journey: Your Spiritual Evolution

In Spring, Nature and the Goddess share their mysteries of spiritual evolution where new beginnings emerge from a complex, potent wholeness woven of the opposing energies of light, life, darkness and death.

The Spring Journey: Your Spiritual Evolution guides you in these mysteries where soulful, new beginnings emerge when you welcome your whole Self to the light of your spring pathwork, engaging the light and shadow of your life story that are the makings of your personal growth at this time.


On your Spring Journey, you will:

  • Align your spiritual path with the seasonal powers of Nature and the Goddess.
  • Explore the spring season teachings of balance, wholeness, equanimity and spiritual evolution.
  • Reunite with the Goddess’s ways of love, light and new beginnings.
  • Step past your old stories into a deeper level of spiritual maturity, power and self-love.
  • Discover the seeds of transformative change and personal growth that are emerging for you.
  • Design an action plan to plant and tend this new growth in your life.
  • Cultivate the essential qualities and skills of living your spiritual evolution.

Your Spring Journey includes:

Spring Journey Guidebook (pdf ebook): Seven lessons, each with an integrated wisdom teaching, awareness practice and journaling task to help you explore and experience the teaching, and apply it to your spiritual pathwork and everyday life.

Spring Journey Journal (pdf ebook): For each lesson, there are journaling prompts and questions to deepen your self-awareness and exploration of the Spring Journey teachings.

Spring Journey Guided Meditation (audio mp3): A 26 minute meditation that connects you with the potent energies of the spring season as you travel to the sunlit realm of the Mother Goddess in search of the parts of your Self and life story that are the makings of your springtime new beginnings and personal growth.

The cost of this integrated Spring Journey package is $16.99.


Spring Journey: Your Spiritual Evolution

Embrace the Goddess’s mysteries that guide your spiritual evolution.

Give yourself the springtime gift of new beginnings.

Your Spring Journey awaits you!



Photo Credit: Matthew Henry on Unsplash